
DefensePro X: Die nächste Stufe des DDOS-Schutzes

Adaptive Protection From Today’s Most Advanced DDoS Attacks.

Was leistet DefensePro?

DefensePro, part of Radware’s attack mitigation solution, provides automated DDoS protection from fast-moving, high-volume, encrypted or very short-duration threats. It defends against IoT-based, Burst, DNS and TLS/SSL attacks to secure organizations against emerging network multi-vector attacks, ransom DDoS campaigns, IoT botnets, phantom floods, and other types of cyberattacks.

Radware DefensePro X DDoS Mitigation

As attacks get more sophisticated and attackers sharper, the threat landscape continues to evolve with all kinds of advanced DDoS attacks. Radware’s newest DDoS mitigation platforms, DefensePro X and Cyber Controller, give customers advanced protection with the high performance and scale needed to combat the threats of today and tomorrow.

Die wichtigsten Funktionen von DefensePro

Verhaltensbasierte Erkennung für maximale Präzision

Verhaltensbasierte Erkennung für maximale Präzision

Die patentierte Technologie zur verhaltensbasierten Erkennung ermöglicht es Organisationen, Angriffe in Echtzeit präzise zu identifizieren und zugleich die Anzahl an False Positives zu minimieren.

Encrypted Web DDoS Protection

Encrypted Web DDoS Protection

Automated real-time signatures for encrypted traffic layers, dynamically adapting to the specific characteristics of the attacks as it morphs, without requiring the encryption keys.

Automatisierter Zero-Day-Schutz vor DDoS-Angriffen

Automatisierter Zero-Day-Schutz vor DDoS-Angriffen

Angriffssignaturen können automatisch generiert werden, um einen optimalen Schutz vor Zero-Day- und unbekannten Angriffen zu bieten. DefensePro kann unbekannte Angriffe innerhalb von 18 Sekunden erkennen, charakterisieren und eine optimale Signatur generieren, um diese effektiv abzuwehren.

Flexible Optionen der Bereitstellung

Flexible Optionen der Bereitstellung

Multiple deployment options are available with cloud-based, hardware-based and hybrid solutions to match any customer architecture or use case.

Vollständig verwaltete Geräte

Vollständig verwaltete Geräte

On-premises device management provided by Radware’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) includes security experts that set up, manage and tune the device to keep it synchronized with business processes and policies.

Adaptive and Multi-layered DNS DDoS Attack Protection

Adaptive and Multi-layered DNS DDoS Attack Protection

Real-time detection and mitigation of both known and zero-day DNS DDoS attacks, ensuring that networks and services remain accessible and resilient.


Frictionless Security Experience

  • Rich User Experience & Visibility with advanced security operation dashboards that provide unified visibility into attack lifecycle and mitigation analysis for both inline and out-of-path deployments
  • Networks Analytics with comprehensive visibility of traffic statistics during peacetime and attack
  • Simplified Management and Configuration with unified visibility and control for both out-of-path and inline DDoS protection solutions, optimized troubleshooting and enriched search and filter capabilities
  • Multiple Deployment Options offering broad protection and mitigation capacity (6Gbps to 800Gbps), virtual appliances and integrated hybrid solutions with Radware’s Cloud DDoS Protection Service

Frictionless Security Experience

Preemptive Multi-layered DDoS Protection

DefensePro bietet – unterstützt von der Sicherheitskompetenz des ERT mit Echtzeit-Bedrohungsinformationen – einen mehrschichtigen Schutz vor DDoS-Angriffen.
Das ERT von Radware ist eine Ergänzung des automatisierten Echtzeit-Schutzes von DefensePro und ermöglicht eine präventive Abwehr von Angriffen auf das Netzwerk Ihrer Organisation.

Stay One Step Ahead of Threats

Radware’s Threat Intelligence Subscriptions complement application and network security via constant updates of new threats, risks and vulnerabilities. By crowdsourcing, correlating and validating real-life attack data from multiple sources, Radware immunizes your DDoS protection system. It provides real-time intelligence for preemptive protection and enables multi-layered protection against all types of threats.

Radware’s Threat Intelligence Subscriptions

Enhance Radware’s DDoS protection and extend its automated, real-time behavioral threat analysis for preemptive protection.

Radware’s ERT Security Update Subscription (SUS) bolsters protection of network elements, hosts and applications against the latest security vulnerabilities and threats with rapid and continuous updates, as well as emergency updates for immediate response and environment-specific custom signatures.

Radware's ERT Active Attackers Feed provides preemptive protection against DDoS attacks, scanners, anonymous proxies, IoT botnets and web application attacks by identifying and blocking known IP addresses that were recently involved in attacks in real time. Er aggregiert und korreliert Informationen aus unterschiedlichen Quellen, wodurch seine Daten sehr genau sind.

  • Die globale Infrastruktur von Radware zur Erkennung und Abwehr von Gefahren
  • Cloud-Sicherheits-Kundennetzwerk
  • ERT Threat Research Gruppe
  • Führende Sicherheitsanbieter als Teil der Cyber Threat Alliance

Die Location-Based Mitigation Lösung von Radware hilft beim Schutz von Rechenzentren und Netzwerken vor länderbasierten DDoS-Angriffen. Sie erleichtert die Einhaltung globaler Vorschriften und die Erfüllung betrieblicher Anforderungen. Die Lösung von Radware ermöglicht die sofortige Filterung des eingehenden Datenverkehrs nach Land, basierend auf der geografischen Zuordnung von IP-Subnetzen, und gewährleistet so die Anpassung des Datenflusses an die Bedürfnisse der Unternehmen.

A network of globally distributed sensors - honeypots - running services that attract bots engaged in malicious activity around the world. Such bots are attempting to compromise, abuse and hack into computers, create new botnets and launch DDoS attacks.

The deception network attracts hundreds of thousands of malicious IPs, generating millions of events daily. The automatic analysis algorithms provide insights and categorization of various types of malicious activity from port scanning and reconnaissance through password Brute Force attempts to DNS reflection attacks.

Radware proprietary and patented algorithms running on the deception network are used to catalog and identify new and emerging threat actors, as well as to analyze malicious behavior designed to hide the attacker such as spoofing and anonymizing. Combining these creates a real time, non-spoofed IP list of malicious actors employing DDoS related behavior.

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